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Framework Admin

In order to use a competency framework in an observation, you must create a structure, a scale, and a framework. Once you create a framework, it will become available for creating observation templates.

The Observations Tab

  1. Click Observation in the tabs along the top of the screen.
  2. Options in the menu will depend on your role and permissions. To access your Framework Admin tools, select Manage Frameworks from the menu.

The Manage Frameworks Dashboard

The Manage Frameworks dashboard includes the following features.

  1. The tabs at the top of the screen are used to switch views between structures, scales, and frameworks. Each tab has the same format.
  2. Use the search box to narrow the list displayed below.
  3. Existing structures, scales, or frameworks to which you have permissions are listed. Click on a name to view/edit its settings.
  4. Click the Create ... button on the left to create a new structure, scale, or framework.
  5. Select the checkbox for one or more structures, scales, or frameworks to perform one of the following actions.
    • Activate - make selected available for use
    • Deactivate - make selected unavailable for use, but remain in the system to support previous use
    • Duplicate - create a copy of selected as a baseline for a new one
    • Delete - remove selected from the system

Most settings of a structure cannot be edited once it has been used for an observation template.

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