Create a Framework
The framework is a scale and structure put together. Once a framework is created, rubric data can be added to complete the framework.
To use the Framework Designer wizard, follow these steps.
- From the Observation tab, select Manage frameworks.
- From the Frameworks tab to the right of the screen, click Create framework.
- In the pop-up window, enter the framework name.
- Select the scale, structure, and scale level from the menus. Select carefully; these cannot be changed once you save.
- Click Save. The pop-up window will close and the Framework Designer wizard will appear.
- Enter a framework description. Edit the name if necessary.
- Optionally enter a title for the scale. Click Add a scale section to add another scale to each element.
- Click Next.
- Define the rubrics for each rating for every scale in the framework.
- Enter the rubric data for the rating.
- Click the pencil icon to access an advanced text editor.
Enter a number and click Add rubric item to add that number of rubric data rows.
To support the use of a checkable rubric, each checkable item must be created as its own rubric item here.
- Click the small x icon to remove a rubric data row.
- When all rubric data is complete, click Finish. You will be returned to the Frameworks tab.