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Create a Scale

The scale is the portion of the instrument that indicates how many levels from which an Observer will make his or her selection. It may be a scale with three options, four options, or more. (Example of a four point scale: Unsatisfactory, Developing, Effective, Highly Effective)

To use the Scale Designer wizard, follow these steps.

  1. From the Observation tab, select Manage frameworks.
  2. From the Scales tab to the right of the screen, click Create scale.
  3. Enter the scale name and description.
  4. Define the ratings for the scale. Enter the rating abbreviation and title and select the rating color. Color coding will display when the finalized observation appears in a list and in Insights reports.

    1. Enter a number and click Add Rating to add that number of ratings.
    2. Click the small (x) icon to remove a rating.
  5. Preview the scale on the right of the screen. Ensure ratings progress from left to right for proper reporting later.
  6. When the scale appears correct, click Save at the bottom of the screen. You will be returned to the Scales tab.
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