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Release - November 2024

Product Updates

Product Area



Release Note

Create/Edit JobImprovement

Feature to auto-populate substitute text instructions on the job from the employee profile

An enhancement has been implemented to auto-populate substitute text instructions during absence creation. A new sub-parameter has been added to allow employees to edit their standard substitute text instructions.

To access the main feature parameter, follow the path outlined in the SFE 24.10 Release Notes:
1. Navigate to Parameters.
2. Select Employee.
3. Go to the Browser Access section.
4. Enable the Auto-populate text instructions on employee absence creation feature.

The new sub-parameter, Show "Absence instructions to substitutes" to employees to view and edit, which can be enabled under the main feature parameter. This allows employees to view and modify their absence instructions for substitutes.

ReportsImprovementAdditional confirmation requirement while opting in for Text message job offers

Substitutes newly opting in to receive text message job offers must confirm their choice by replying with YES to the welcome message they receive after opting in via the web or mobile app. This welcome message ensures that substitutes actively confirm their preference.

To prevent errors, additional validation has been implemented to minimize the risk of substitutes mistakenly entering incorrect phone numbers, ensuring job offer texts reach the intended recipients.

This process does not affect substitutes who have already opted in to receive text message job offers.

My Settings (2WayTexting)Issue

Substitutes were unable to add the texting phone number

Resolved an issue preventing certain substitute users from editing or adding texting phone numbers when opting in to receive text job offers.
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