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Modify Jobs

From the results of a job inquiry, you can review and modify job information. The job status determines the actions available.

Modify Job Details

  1. Click the Job # for the desired job.
  2. Modify the absence or vacancy details as needed.
  3. Click Save.

Create Job Details Report

  1. Click the Job # for the desired job.
  2. Click Create Report.
  3. Review and save the report.

Access IDs and telephone numbers may not display if not enabled by your system operator.
SCAN (Substitute Cancelled Assignment Notification) calls are not included in the total count for calls.

Display Filling Details

  1. Click the Job # for the desired job.
  2. Click Filling Details.
  3. Define your criteria.
    • To search for specific details, choose the search criteria.
    • To display all calling information on the job, use the default values.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Review the job filling details list. You can Export to Excel or Create Report.
  6. Click Return to Job.

Split Job

  1. Click the Job # for the desired job.
  2. Click Split Job.
  3. If the job is multi-day, select the job day splits, then click Continue.
    • Separate Job - Select to separate specific days of the job from the original absence.
    • Split At - Select to separate days of the job beginning from the selected day forward.
  4. If the job is a single day, click and drag the Times slider to split the job, then click Continue.
  5. Review the split job details. To modify the substitute options for any segment, click Edit Substitute.
  6. Click Confirm.
  7. Click on a resulting job link to review/modify its details.
  8. Click Done.

Start/Stop Callout

  1. Click the Job # for the desired job.
  2. Click the appropriate option.
    • Start Callout - Displays only if the job has a status of Stopped, Unfilled, or NSR during a callout period.
    • Stop Callout - Displays only if the job has a status of Open and is currently in a callout period.

Throughout SmartFind Express, job status is indicated by two parts:  main status/subsidiary status.

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