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Get Started

The Internet Explorer (IE) 11 desktop application will end support for certain operating systems starting June 15, 2022. Customers are encouraged to move to Microsoft Edge with IE mode.

Access the Web App

You will use your access ID and password to interact with the web app.

If your organization uses a single sign-on, you will connect to your identity provider.

  1. From the main navigation, choose Profile, then Identity Provider Mapping.
  2. Click Link for the identity provider.
  3. Follow the prompts to log in with your identity provider.

Select Role

If you fill multiple roles in SmartFind Express, you have the option to switch between roles.

Click a role name to change roles.

Job Status Descriptions

Jobs status is listed with two parts throughout SmartFind Express: main status/subsidiary status

Main Status Definitions

  • Open - occurs today or in the future and is not filled.
  • Active - occurs today or in the future and has a substitute assigned.
  • Finished - occurred in the past; the end time of the job was reached.
  • Verified - detail information has been confirmed as accurate.
  • Canceled - no longer needed in the system; can be a past, present, or future job.
  • Stopped - open job stopped from a callout period.

Subsidiary Status Definitions

  • Open - not currently being offered to a substitute; awaiting callout; no substitute is assigned.
  • Filled - substitute has been assigned to the job.
  • Not Filled - system has reached the end of the search rule for the classification of the job, and no substitute is assigned.
  • Admin Assigned - assigned to a substitute by an administrator from the job modification screen.
  • Web Substitute Search - substitute searched for and accepted this job using the web application.
  • IVR Substitute Search - substitute searched for and accepted this using phone IVR.
  • No Sub Required (NSR) - substitute not assigned because the days were set up in the calendar as NSR days.
  • NSR – Filled In-House - job filled using in-house personnel instead of a substitute.
  • NSR – Exceeded Substitute Allocation - substitute not assigned because the SAUs for the employee location are met for the period of the absence.
  • NSR – Minimum Job Days - substitute not assigned because of the minimum job days setting for the employee classification; the length of the job was not long enough to justify a substitute for this position.
  • NSR – User Request - substitute not assigned because the employee indicated that a substitute is not required for the job.
  • NSR – No Sub Allowed - substitute not assigned because of the No Sub Allowed setting for the employee classification.
  • IVR - Assigned - substitute assigned to the job via callout.
  • IVR – Answering Machine - during callout, the system reached the substitute’s answering machine, and the job was assigned to the substitute.
  • Prearranged - substitute was assigned at job creation.
  • Automatic Assignment - filled from the Automatic Assignment list for the location of the job.
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