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View and Hire Applicants

This feature provides a list of applicants who have expressed interest in a specific job. This does not guarantee that these individuals are qualified for the position.

Get Started

  1. Search jobs.
  2. For the desired job posting, click # Applicants.
  3. Sort and view the resulting list as you would the results of an Applicant Search.

Change Applied Job Status

Applied job status allows the employer to track and search for applicants throughout the hiring process. This field is not visible to applicants.

  1. Select the checkbox for each applicant whose status should be changed.
  2. From the action menu, choose Change Applied Job Status.
  3. Click Go!
  4. Choose a New Applied Job Status.
  5. Click Change Applied Job Status.

Hire an Applicant

Within the system, you can hire an applicant and, at the same time, send all the applicants you did not hire an email letting them know that you have filled the position.

  1. Select the checkbox for each applicant you want to hire.
  2. From the action menu, choose Hire Applicant(s).
  3. Click Go!
  4. Determine whether to Change the applicants' overall status to "Hired?". If you are hiring for a pool posting, we recommend clicking Yes; otherwise, click No.
  5. Optionally indicate Do you wish to hire any more applicants for this position? If you click No, you have the option to email all applicants who applied to the posting and are not marked as hired.
    1. Click Yes to Would you like to email all applicants who applied to the posting who are NOT being marked as "Hired?"
    2. Choose an email template or construct your own.
  6. Click Hire Applicant(s).
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