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Release - January 2025

Product Updates 

Product Area 



Release Note

Internal Jobs Settings


Update Job Assist preference for internal applicants

When applicants enable the internal job assist preference for their account, they will see a confirmation dialog box. On confirmation, their job assist preference is set to “No, I’m not actively seeking a job outside my school district,” which effectively hides their profile from the candidate pool search.

This ensures their profile remains confidential and is not visible to external recruiters or hiring managers.



Sourcing uncategorized pipelines

Introduced the uncategorized pipeline in Sourcing projects that allows users to create a shortlist of applicants without assigning them to a specific job. This feature enhances flexibility in managing potential candidates, enabling users to organize and evaluate applicants before linking them to particular job openings. Users can efficiently manage their talent pool and streamline the recruitment process by maintaining an uncategorized pipeline.



Search projects and jobs in Sourcing

In Sourcing, the project page features a search bar that allows users to filter projects and jobs based on entered keywords. This functionality enables efficient navigation and management of projects and job listings.

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