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Content Channels

System administrators have the ability to create and edit content channels.

Your portal and screen views will reflect your organization’s specific naming conventions, terminology, and configuration choices.

  1. Click Administration in the tabs along the top of the screen.
  2. Locate the Content Management menu and click Content Channels.
  3. All existing channels are listed.
  1. The status of each channel appears to the left of each title; x indicates inactive, check-mark indicates active. This status indicates if the content channel is currently being displayed somewhere on the portal.
  2. Click on a channel name to edit the channel.
  3. Click Delete to remove a channel.

Create a Content Channel

  1. To create a new channel, click Create Channel.
  2. Complete the fields to create the content channel.
  • Content Title - determines how the channel will be labeled on the home page
  • Content Identifier - identifies content for linking purposes; this field is optional
  • Content Text - the text for the channel; this can be plain text or HTML, including images, videos, or any other media; this is also where you will link to content housed in the content repository
  • Select Save Content Channel to create the channel.

Add HTML Content

To add content using HTML, use a free HTML text editor such as for basic HTML code.

  1. Open a separate browser and navigate to (or another HTML editor).
  2. Delete the content in the HTML generator field and enter the text as you want it to appear in the channel.
  3. Convert the text to HTML.
  4. Copy the HTML, navigate to the channel, and paste the content into the Content Text field.

Add a Link to Uploaded Content

To add a link to content uploaded to the content repository, follow these steps.

  1. Locate the permanent link for the location of the document (instructions below).
  2. Use the following syntax to display the file link. <a href="permanent link">linked display text</a>
  3. When entering more than one link, input <br/> on the following line to insert a line break between links


<a href=" resourceMgmt20/_Teacher's%20Guide%20to%20PDAS.mp4"> Teacher's Guide to PDAS (Video Tutorials - All Clips)</a>

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