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Observation Designer

The observation designer is a tool for creating and managing observation templates. Observation templates are available to Observers once they are activated. Find out more information on templates in the following topics:

The Observations Tab

  1. Click Observation in the tabs along the top of the screen.
  2. Options in the menu will depend on your role and permissions. To access your Observation Designer tools, select Observation Designer from the menu.

The Observation Designer Dashboard

The Observation Designer dashboard includes the following features.

  1. The tabs at the top of the screen are used to switch views between template groups and all observation templates. Each tab has a similar format.
  2. Use the search box to narrow the list displayed below.
  3. Existing template groups to which you have permissions are listed, along with the number of observation templates in each. Click on a template group name to view a list of the group's observation templates or to edit the group name.
  4. Click the Create group button on the left to create a new template group (Groups tab only).
  5. Select this option to update the group name and description.
  6. Select the checkbox for a template group in order to delete it. This function is available only for template groups that do not have templates in use.

When viewing a list of observation templates, the following additional features are available.

  1. Click on a template name to view/edit its settings.
  2. Click the Create template button on the left to create a new template for this group (group template list view only).
  3. Select the checkbox for one or more templates to perform one of the following actions.
    • Activate - make the template available for use on new observations
    • Deactivate - make the template unavailable for use on new observations; the template remains in the system to support previous use
    • Reset - reset the settings and configuration for the template; observations using this template that are in progress or complete will be deleted
    • Delete - remove the template from the system; this function is available only for templates that are not in use
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