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Release - August 2024

Product Updates

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Release Note

Job SearchImprovement

Showing separate Location group search filter to substitutes

An enhancement has been implemented that introduces a parameter allowing substitutes to see a separate location group search filter after the existing Locations filter. The location group filter lists the location groups the substitute has access to, while the location filter shows only the unique locations they can access. This simplifies the job search based on location preferences.

To enable this parameter, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, Substitutes, Browser Access, and then select Show separate location group filter to substitutes (when not enabled, the location filter will show locations and location groups together.

If the parameter is not enabled, substitutes will see all the locations and location groups within the Location filter itself.

Job ApprovalImprovementEnhancement to User-based absence approval processing

A parameter has been added to prevent location administrators from viewing absence approvals for employees in their locations if they are not marked as the employees' approvers (for User-based absence approval).

To enable this feature, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, Jobs, Job Approval section, and then select Restrict absence approval viewing only to employee's absence approvers. (Location admin would not view absence approval if not employee's absence approvers)

Job ShoppingImprovementEnhancement to substitute web job shopping by allowing 1-minute overlap on successive jobs

A parameter has been added to allow substitutes to shop for jobs with a 1-minute overlap. For example, if there are two jobs from 8 AM to 12 PM and 12 PM to 4 PM, the substitute can still view the 12 PM to 4 PM job after accepting the first one and be able to accept the second job.

To enable this feature, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, Substitutes, Availability section, and then select Allow 1 minute overlap for substitutes while accepting jobs


Ability to restrict vacancy notification to only the administrator who created the vacancy

A parameter has been added for vacancies so that notification emails (creation, cancellation, or modification) would be routed only to the administrator who created the vacancy.

To enable this feature, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, Communications, Email Settings, and then select Stop Admin notifications for vacancy job creation/modification/cancellation to all location Admins apart from the Administrator who created the vacancy.

Job InquiryImprovementPrinting substitute time worked on the Job Inquiry pageThe substitute time worked, typically calculated as the difference between the substitute's end time and start time while accounting for any unpaid breaks, has been added to the job inquiry view of jobs.
Reports, Export2ExcelImprovementSaving historical employee reason balance reports

A feature has been added to the Employee Reason Balance report with a new button labeled Saved Reports Snapshot next to View Report. Clicking this button generates the employee reason balance report in the background and saves it in the Saved Reports Snapshot of the Reports menu.

This feature helps preserve historical data of employee reason balances, as the reason balances are overwritten with new values when new reason balances are allocated to employees.

Reports, ProfilesImprovement

Additional location times based on Classification groups

A feature has been added to the Location profiles to create exceptions for certain classification groups. A new button labeled Classification group based times will be displayed on the location profile, allowing you to define exceptions to the standard location times. When these times are defined for specific classification groups, the vacancy times will default to the classification-based location times instead of the standard location times.
System Activity Log, 2WayTextingIssueSubstitute texting opt-in and opt-out activities added to the System Activity LogEnhanced the system activity log to include entries for the substitute opt-in and opt-out actions related to text message job offers.
Create/Edit JobIssueThe Continue button is missing during absence creation on the mobile web view

On the mobile web view for the old employee web interface, the Continue button was not displaying during absence creation. This has been resolved in the SFE 24.8 version.

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