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Release - July 2024

Product Updates

Product Area



Release Note

Job SearchImprovement

Showing separate Location group search filter to substitutes

A new enhancement has been implemented that introduces a parameter allowing substitutes to see a separate location group search filter after the existing Locations filter. The location group filter lists the location groups the substitute has access to, while the location filter shows only the unique locations they can access. This simplifies the job search based on location preferences.

To enable this parameter, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, Substitutes, Browser Access, and then select Show separate location group filter to substitutes (when not enabled, the location filter will show locations and location groups together.

If the parameter is not enabled, substitutes will see all the locations and location groups within the Location filter itself.

Reports ImprovementAbility to save yearly snapshots of Employee Reason Balance report

A new feature has been added to the Employee Reason Balance report, allowing school districts to save a snapshot of the report and save it within the application. The snapshot (or saved copy) of the employee reason balance report can be taken by clicking the Save yearly snapshot button on the report with an appropriate name associated to make it easy to remember when the report was saved. This would generate the report in the background and the saved report would be available in a new submenu, Saved Reports Snapshots as part of the Reports menu.

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