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Release - June 2024

Product Updates

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Release Note

Job SearchImprovement

New feature to open jobs for web job shopping for all eligible qualified substitutes

A new parameter has been introduced to stop vacancy job-related email notifications to Administrators. However, substitutes will still receive email notifications as usual. 

To enable this parameter, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, Communications, and then select Stop Admin notifications for vacancy job creation/modification/cancellation.

A new optional feature has been implemented to improve fill rates, particularly for same-day jobs during morning callouts, by showing the job to as many substitutes as possible. To enable this feature, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, General, and then select Open jobs on the web for all eligible qualified substitutes between ____ and ____. The blanks represent the start and end times for this window.

Administrators can set the times from 00:01 am to the latest time substitutes can accept same-day jobs. This ensures that all eligible substitutes can view and apply for jobs in the morning, including those created on the same day.

This is an optional feature and is not enabled by default.

Create/Edit JobImprovementNew feature to quickly find available substitutes for a job

A new optional feature has been introduced to quickly find available qualified substitutes for a job. Administrators can use the Find Available Qualified Substitutes button located in the Assigned Substitute section on the Job Details page. To enable this feature, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, Administrators, Browser Access, and then select the Show 'Find Available Qualified Substitutes' button on Assigned Substitute section on job details page of a job option. Note that this parameter is not enabled by default.

This feature identifies substitutes who match the job's location and classification requirements and are available during the job's scheduled times, considering their current schedule and other job assignments. Substitutes on the Do Not Use (DNU) lists are excluded from the search results.

Additionally, administrators can adjust the location and classification criteria as needed. After the list of qualified substitutes is generated, administrators can select and assign the desired substitute to the job.

ProfilesImprovementCustom profile fields viewable and editable by Substitutes

Custom profile fields have been extended to substitute profiles and can be configured for View and Modify access according to district requirements. When configured, these custom profile fields will be displayed within the Personal settings of substitutes, allowing them to view or modify these fields as needed.

These fields can be utilized to indicate additional information specific to substitute profiles.

2WayTextingImprovementMore options to limit text messages

To limit the frequency of sending text job offer messages to substitutes, new text limiting options have been added. To enable this parameter, navigate through the menu path: Parameters, Substitutes, Text Message Job Offers, and then select Limit total number of unique job offer messages for a substitute in a callout.

This feature can be enabled for both the Morning and Afternoon callout periods. After a number is set and the parameter is enabled, substitutes will receive text messages only up to that specified limit during the callouts. Importantly, this count is for unique jobs, ensuring that the same job offer message is not sent multiple times to the same substitute.

This feature is useful if substitutes are receiving too many text job offers during the morning, afternoon, or both callout periods.

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