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Release - October 2024

New Features and Enhancements

Product Area 


Release Note


New Education section

For Applicant Tracking jobs posted with the new Education section, applicants can view all education entries from their profile on the Education page of the form. They can use the Edit button to make changes, the Delete button to remove entries, and the Add Education button to add new entries. Any updates made will automatically sync with their SchoolSpring profile.


Education section updates save to SchoolSpring profile

Data submitted from SchoolSpring for Applicant Tracking jobs using the existing Education section will not be saved to the applicant’s SchoolSpring profile. Only data added or updated using the new Education (Easy Apply) section will be saved to the profile.

Application Manager

SchoolSpring transfer data

Applicants signing up on the new SchoolSpring with the same email used on the old SchoolSpring portal will no longer need to transfer data manually. If a matching email is found, the old data will be automatically transferred after email verification.

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