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Get Started

SchoolSpring introduced a process allowing you to transfer account information from your previous account to a new one

Sign Up

If you are an existing SchoolSpring user, signing in with a different email address, follow these steps to sign up and transfer information from your previous SchoolSpring accounts.

  1. Go to SchoolSpring Job Board.

  2. Select Sign In/Register.

  3. Click Sign Up.

  4. Enter your Email address and then click Continue.

  5. Enter your Password.

  6. Click Continue.

  7. You will receive a verification email. Click Verify Your Account to verify your email address.

  8. Click Back to SchoolSpring to sign in.

  9. Enter your Email address.

  10. Enter Password.

  11. Click Continue.

To ensure a seamless application process, it's recommended that you create the SchoolSpring Job Board account using the same email address previously used for district applications. This approach facilitates the transfer of existing application information to the new account.

Sign In

If an email address is already associated with an account, creating a new one will result in an error message.

  1. Go to SchoolSpring Job Board.

  2. Select Sign In/Register.

  3. Enter your Email address and then click Continue.

  4. Enter your Password and then click Continue. If you cannot remember your password, click Forgot password and reset your SchoolSpring password.

Reset Your Password

  1. On the sign-in screen, click Forgot password.

  2. Enter your Email Address and then click Continue.

  3. You will receive an email to reset your password. Click the URL or Confirm.

  4. Enter a New Password. Reenter the same Password.

  5. Click Confirm.

  6. Click Back to SchoolSpring to sign in.

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