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Release v25.2.0.0

Date of release: February 3, 2025


Product Area 


Release Note

Professional Learning

Playlists: Additional logging to track user enrollments

Added a new feature that includes logging capabilities for auditing purposes, allowing users with moderator rights to access the enrollment history for a playlist. The history grid shows essential information, such as the date of the action, the individual who performed it, participant details, email addresses, demographics, and location. Users can also generate a CSV file based on the sorting and filtering settings.

To access this feature, users with access can follow these steps: navigate to Manage Playlists, select a Playlist, click on the Participants tab, and then click View Enrollment History.

Professional Learning

Course management: Search by course tag

Users with permission to manage courses can now search and filter results using course tags. This feature makes finding all courses associated with a specific tag easier, simplifying the search process. By applying a tag, users can quickly access courses related to a particular subject without including that tag in the course name.

To search and filter, users with access can navigate to Manage courses > Advanced filters > Course Tags.

Professional Learning

PD Playlist description: Higher character limit

Increased the character limit for the PD Playlist description box to 200k characters. Previously, it allowed less than 4,000 characters, below the expected 200k characters. Multiple users were affected by this limitation. Also resolved the error message indicating the character limit constraint.

Professional Learning

Ability to export survey data from a section

Users can now export raw survey data from the survey tab within a section. This feature allows users with access to that section to export course and section survey data.

To generate the survey data as a CSV file, users can navigate to the "Survey Results" section and click "Download CSV.”

Professional Learning

Add learner screens with employee ID column

Added Employee ID to the Add user feature.

The Manage Sections, Bulk Actions, and Waitlist Management Screen interfaces now include an Employee ID column. This allows users to quickly locate and add learners without sorting the information.

Professional Learning

Updated Export Roster Status

Updated the Export Roster Status feature to display the Employee ID. When navigating to Section > Print forms > Export roster status, a new column displays the user's primary SSO ID or a blank entry if none exists.

Professional Learning

Updated Manage Sections screen

Repositioned the course # column position in the manage sections screen to after the Status column and the Section # column position before the Section title column.

Professional Learning

Ability to edit learner credits

Added a new permission to define the users with access to edit learner credits in the application.

This permission is labeled "Can Edit Roster Data" and is available for roles and instructors. By default, super users and users with existing Edit Roster Permissions will have this permission enabled. Users without this permission will not see the "Update All Manually" link in the PdAdmin Roster under Edit All for Credits. Having the Edit Roster Permission is a prerequisite for this new permission to be active.

Professional Learning

Ability to export survey completion status

Users can now export survey completion status from the survey tab in a section. This feature enables users with access to a section to export the course survey completion status data associated with that section and the section survey completion data related to that section from the survey tab.

To view and export, users with access to the section can navigate to a section > Survey Results > Course/section survey tab > View all survey Statuses > Download as CSV.

Fixed Issues

Product Area 


Release Note

Professional Learning

Credit Summation Report: Issues with creation

Resolved an issue where an error occurred while creating the Report Builder Credit Summation report with a start date limiter.

With this release, users can create the report without any errors.

Professional Learning

Issues with Course Catalog navigation

Resolved an issue where navigating the course catalog gave users the 500 server error.

Professional Learning

PD Playlist: Unable to send notifications

Resolved an issue where participants were not getting any PD playlist reminders via targeted email announcements.

With this release, the expected behavior is for reminder notifications to be sent out as configured.

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