Release v25.1.0.0
Date of release: January 5, 2025
Product Area | Summary | Release Note |
Professional Learning | Course catalog: Ability to sort ‘By relevance’ | The Course Catalog now allows users to sort search results by relevance. The logic for sorting by relevance has been copied from the Legacy course catalog, ensuring that search results are displayed in a meaningful order. By default, when a user searches with a term, the search results will be sorted by relevance. However, if no search term exists, the results will be sorted by Course Number. Users will get an error message if they try to sort by relevance when no search term exists. |
Professional Learning | Updates to roles and permissions | Administrators can grant specific course functionalities to users with office roles in the roles and permissions section of professional learning. These users are meant to have limited access, not full access to the course. The functionality has been updated to honor individual management permissions when the “Manage courses and sections” permission has not been enabled. Users with access to the Can edit within the approval process can view all courses/sections in the office they have access to and view details, roster, and attendance for these courses and sections. While sections and courses can be edited only if they are within the approval process, modifications to the roster are not permitted unless specific access to do so has been provided. Users with access to the Can edit built courses can view all courses/sections in the office they have access to and view details, roster, and attendance for these courses and sections. While sections and courses that have been approved can be edited, modifications to the roster are not permitted unless specific access to do so has been provided. The details that can be viewed and edited will depend on the permissions enabled for each field in the course form. |
Fixed Issues
Product Area | Summary | Release Note |
Professional Learning | Issues with Surveys | Resolved an issue where the survey notification job sent reminders without checking whether the course and section were fully approved. This resulted in users receiving a "Survey is not available" error when accessing the survey link from their email if the course or section was not fully approved. The expected behavior is that survey reminders will not be sent out if the section or course is not fully approved. This ensures users can access the survey link from their email without errors. |
Professional Learning | Issues with linking external Microsoft calendar | Resolved an issue where linking the Microsoft Calendar resulted in a 500 server error. Users could not connect to the calendar and encountered the server error instead. |
Professional Learning | Course setting for Multiple Credit types | Resolved an issue where the course setting "Allow Participants to register for multiple types of credit" was not functioning as expected. The setting now correctly follows either the system configuration in the credit areas screen or the course-specific setting, if enabled. This functionality is only available when credits are assigned at the course level. |
Professional Learning | Issues with Transfer Credit Manager permissions | Resolved an issue where super users could not view new transfer credits for others in the bulk requests tab. With this release, super users can view transfer credit requests for others by navigating to Manage > Credit Requests for others. |
Professional Learning | Updates to the Transfer Credit Form | Updated the layout of the final credit approver step in the transfer credit form to make the creation process more intuitive for users with access.