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Release v24.12.0.0

Date of release: December 8, 2024


Product Area 


Release Note

Professional Learning

Tooltip Added for Dynamic Rule in PD Playlist

Added a tooltip to dynamic rules in PD playlists to inform users that participants added through dynamic rules will be synchronized with your automated import updates. Removing a dynamic rule will also eliminate participants added by that rule; however, this will affect only playlist registrations, not individual course registrations. If a participant has clicked Join Playlist, they will not be affected by removing the dynamic rule.

Professional Learning

Fixed Payment Processor Disclaimer Display Issue

Updated the system to show the payment processor disclaimer and policy to learners during the disclaimer step of the course registration process. Learners are not required to acknowledge the disclaimer.

Professional Learning

Ad-hoc reports: Updated PERMS section

For Pennsylvania clients with PERMS enabled, the ad-hoc report was updated to include the integration status on the course transfer credit reports generated.

Note that the PERMS sub-section in ad-hoc reports will appear only if PERMS has been enabled.

Professional Learning

Course Resources now reorganizable

Updated the system to allow course creators and users with access to reorganize the sequence in which courses resources appear.

Navigate to Manage > Manage courses > Course resources for a specific course > Sort courses. Once reordered, click Done to save changes.

Professional Learning

New Feature: Configurable Name Tags

Administrators with access can customize the information displayed on the roster name tags.

To configure, navigate to Professional Learning → Configuration → Name Tag Configuration.

The setup is utilized for printing Name Tags and includes rules for available macros such as $(first_name), $(last_name), $(site), $(siteWithDistrict), $(course_number), $(course_title), $(section_number), $(section_title), and $(qr_image).

The QR Code must be the only item in a row, with only one QR Code allowed, and it must be placed in the last row.

Professional Learning

Updated Notifications for Add Learner Feature

Authorized users can send registration notifications to inactive users from the section Add Learners screen.

Navigate to Manage > Section > Roster > Bulk Actions > Search for learner > Send notifications to inactive users.

This option is deselected by default.

Professional Learning

New Permission to Manage Office Users

Added the permission to manage office roles and permissions, allowing users with this permission to add or remove users from roles in the assigned office.

To enable or disable these rules for a user role, navigate to Configuration > Roles and Permissions > Office-Based roles > Can manage office roles and permissions.

Professional Learning

Updated Notifications for Bulk Registration feature

Authorized users can send registration notifications to inactive users from the bulk section registration screen.

Navigate to Manage > Bulk Section Registration > Create Bulk Registration for Sections > Create title > Send notifications.

Professional Learning

Updated Notifications for Add Learner Feature

Updated the functionality on Add Learner to clarify the meaning of "Include Inactive Users."

Previously, the checkboxes next to the notification option did not clearly specify that they were aimed at inactive users. The update now renames this option to "Send Notifications to Inactive Users" for improved clarity.

Professional Learning

Copy Participants from another section to Add Learners to roster

Users can now add Learners to a new section by searching for and copying participants from the roster of a different course and section.

Authorized users can navigate to a section roster > Bulk actions > Add learner by Section > Select the section to copy participants from > Select users to copy > Copy users.

Professional Learning

Updated Functionality of Signature Line in Transcripts

In this version, the signature line in transcripts will no longer include the date line as it did in previous versions. However, you can still display the print date of the transcript by enabling the “Transcript Print Date option under Configuration > Transcript Configuration > Print Transcript.

Professional Learning

Enhanced Catalog to retain User Filter and Sort Preferences per Session

Updated the new course catalog to save a user’s filter and sort selections for a single session. Since the user has not logged out of the application, navigating to a different page and back to the new course catalog does not clear previously set filters and sort options unless the Clear Filter or Clear All buttons have been applied.

Fixed Issues

Product Area 


Release Note

Professional Learning

Error when viewing resources for Completed courses

Users encountered an issue with the Course Catalog, where they could not access web resources for completed courses. Users would get the error message, "You must be registered for this course to view this resource," when attempting to access these resources. This issue is now resolved, allowing users to view resources from completed courses without encountering errors.

Professional Learning

Certificate Issues in Completion Emails

Certificates were sent to users after course completion, even when the accounts were disabled. This issue has now been resolved. To ensure that certificates are only sent to active users upon course completion, both the main configuration for certificates in course settings and the certificate setting for each course must be enabled.

Professional Learning

Fixed Issue with Launching Resources in Courses

Fixed an issue where launching a resource directed learners to different landing pages. With this update, all sections now open the same way and require as few clicks as possible to navigate.

Professional Learning

Enhancements to SCORM upload and processing

Updated the SCORM configuration tab to alert users when the SCORM file has been uploaded and processed, along with guidance for user actions.

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