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Review PD Playlist Credit Request

As a PD Playlist Credit Approver, you will review credit for PD playlists by following these steps.

  1. Click the PD Playlists tab.
  2. On your PD Playlists dashboard, click the notification in the PD Playlist Credit Approval box.
  3. The Approve PD Playlist Credit screen will display. Use the search box and/or filters to narrow the list displayed below.
  4. Click the title for a playlist pending review.
  5. The playlist details are displayed. Scroll down to the Credit section and review the requested credit. Click Courses to expand/collapse the list of associated courses.
  6. At the bottom of the screen, select one of the following choices.
    • Close - close the credit request, leaving it in pending status
    • Deny - deny the credit request, returning the playlist to the PD Playlist Moderator for revision or deletion; in the pop-up window, enter a reason for denial, then click Deny again
    • Approve - approve the credit request, making the playlist available for release by the PD Playlist Moderator. You will be prompted to confirm your action; click Approve again.
  7. You will be returned to the Approve PD Playlist Credit screen.
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