If enabled for your district, you can request that credit for a course completed elsewhere be added to your transcript. Follow these steps.
Select Transfer Credit in the tabs along the top of the screen.
Select My Requests from the menu on the left.
Select New Request to create your credit request.
Select the appropriate Approval for your request. Typically, the name of the approval should indicate the correct approval process for credit requests.
If your district uses a single approval process, selecting New Request will automatically open the credit request form.
Review the Approval description if it has been included. If this Approval workflow is not the correct type for your credit request, navigate back to the previous page to select the correct Approval.
Complete the credit request form, noting that all the fields marked with an asterisk are required fields. Then click Submit for Pre-Approval.
If you want to save your credit request to complete at another time, select Close. When you are ready to finish your credit request, navigate to My Requests and select the credit request to resume editing.
Enter a note, then select Okay. Note this step is not required. If you do enter a note, it will appear in the History pane for this credit request.
Once the request is sent, the status will depend on its current approval state. Statuses include:
Approved: The credit request has been successfully approved and will show on your transcript.
Pending: The credit request is awaiting approval and will not show on your transcript.
Pending Pre-Approval: The credit request is in the process of being approved and will not show on your transcript.
Denied: The credit request has been denied. See the approver's notes for more information on the denial.
Revise a Denied Request
Select the Credit Request Event Title or select the action menu and select View.
Review the reasons for the request denial in the History pane on the right.
Make any necessary edits and changes. Then click Re-Submit For Credit Approval.
The request will once again appear as pending.
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