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The Observation Tab

  1. Click Observation in the tabs along the top of the screen.
  2. Options in the menu will depend on your role and permissions.

    In the Observee role, access your personal observations by selecting Observations Of Me from the menu.

My Observation Dashboard

The dashboard includes the following features.

  1. List of your observations, indicating status and what has been shared with you
    • Click on an observation title to view it.
  2. Click Self-Assessment to begin any self-assessment activities assigned to you.
  3. Notifications of any observation tasks awaiting your attention
  4. Insights box showing results summary for the three most recent observations that have ratings assigned and shared with you
    • Click More Insights to see more options and details.
    • Color coding is based on scale settings defined for the template.
  5. List of changes made recently to your observations
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