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Release - May 2024

Product Updates

Product Area 



Release Note

HR Tools - Processes


Corrected the task due dates not displaying correctly in the employee folder

Previously, when entering due dates for tasks within an employee's process and then navigating to the employee's folder, the due dates were not visible. This issue has been resolved, and the due dates are now displayed as expected.

Additionally, tasks with no explicit due date are now considered overdue if the overall process date is overdue. As a result, these tasks will appear in red for better visibility.

My Folder - Evidence


Corrected the link to view the Evidence page not working

Previously, when a direct report clicked a link from their Evidence page, they were directed to the login page instead of being able to access the file. This issue has been resolved, and direct reports can now view evidence without being redirected to the login page.



Performance improvement

Previously, viewing tasks under My Staff took a long time to load. Performance in this area has been improved.

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