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Release - November 2024

Product Updates

Product Area 



Release Note



Updated editable rich text fields that are hiding read-only fields on a form

Sometimes on a form, an editable rich text field would hide read-only fields on the same form, preventing supervisors from properly approving the form. This has been corrected.



Resolved the Job Type and Supervisor Mass Deactivation import errors

Previously, when a Job Type or a Supervisor import was run with Mass Deactivation enabled, the existing relationships were not getting deactivated if they were not present in the import file. This has been resolved.

My Staff

HR Staff


Resolved the incomplete multi-year processes that appeared on the Not Evaluated Tab and Evaluated Tab

Previously, if there was a multi-year process that was incomplete and that was created in a previous year, the employees with that process still appeared under the Not Evaluated tab in My Staff and HR Staff. This has been resolved.

Application Login


Updated PowerSchool branding on the application login pages

The application login pages have been rebranded to improve the user experience and align with PowerSchool's identity. Functionality remains unchanged, and users can continue to log in with their existing credentials as usual.

The recommended resolution for the Brand logo is 302 x 80 pixels. Logos uploaded with a different resolution will be resized to 302 x 80 pixels when displayed on the login page, which may cause distortion. To ensure the best user experience, districts are advised to upload logos in the recommended resolution.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.