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Release - February 2023

Product Updates 

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Release Note

FormsIssueResolved Answer Bank Issue

Previously, the Answer Bank would not populate with information when clicked from a form. This has been resolved and now populates.

ProcessesIssueResolved Grouped Tasks Cloning Issue

Previously, cloning group tasks within a process was not working correctly. This has been resolved and it is now possible to clone a group of tasks.

ReportsIssueResolved "Direct Reports..." Checkbox IssuePreviously, when viewing the report for incomplete evaluations the checkbox “Direct Reports of My Direct Reports” was not working. This has been resolved and will now show all direct reports of my direct reports.
ReportsIssueResolved Task Groups Display Issue

Previously, if the “Show Direct Reports of My Direct Reports” checkbox was selected, any existing task groups for these reports did not display. This has been resolved and the task groups now display.

RolesIssueResolved Start Process IssuePreviously, if a Role member had full supervisor access to a group of staff, they had access to the Start Process button, but it issued an error when clicked. This has been resolved.
JavaScript errors detected

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