Release - March 2021
Product Updates
Product Area | Type | Summary | Release Note |
Forms | Issue | Fixed workflow history for impersonating user | When signing, approving, or reviewing a form while impersonating a user, the name displayed on the form in the workflow history was the user who was being impersonated. Now, the name of the user that is logged in and doing the impersonation is displayed. |
Forms | Issue | Fixed workflow history for "on behalf of" user | Previously, when a system administrator signed, approved, or reviewed a form on behalf of someone, their name was not displayed in the form’s workflow history. Now, the system administrators' name displays as “on behalf of.” |
HR Tools | Issue | Corrected display issue for individual staff member data in Analysis | On the Analysis page, after selecting a form and entering the name of a staff member, the data for the staff member did not display. This has been resolved. |
My Folder | Issue | Fixed adding Task Groups to processes from the Add Tasks option | Previously, when selecting Add Tasks from a user's Task view and selecting the same process, if that process was configured with Task Groups, the tasks were added to the existing Task Groups. Now, the newly added tasks are added to the end of the existing process. |
Reports | Issue | Fixed incorrect position of District Average label | The District Average label did not line up with the district average dashed line on the Inter-Rater Reliability by Standard and Evaluator Reliability by Form reports. This has been corrected. |