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Release Note



Resolved Display of Responsible Person for Tasks in Task Groups

Previously, changing the responsible person for tasks configured as part of a Task Group caused the task to display outside of the Task Group in the process view of the direct reports folder.

This has been resolved.



Corrected Display of District Defined Category Name

Previously, the District Defined Category name reflected on the Build a Process pane on Step-2 of setting up processes was reflecting the export value of the drop-down set.

It now correctly reflects the display value.



Corrected Association of Artifacts to Rubrics

Previously, users could associate artifacts to rubrics from closed processes.

Now, artifacts can only be associated to rubrics from processes that are active.



Enhanced Performance Related to Adding Users

Fixed the issue related to long wait times when searching for supervisors or direct reports while updating staff on the configuration page.



Corrected Redirect after Unlocking Forms

Previously, users had to wait for forms to be unlocked before being redirected back to the process view.

Now, when users unlock a form, they are immediately redirected to the process view.



Corrected User Interactions with Unsaved Forms

Previously, when a user selected Save and Submit on a form, there was nothing preventing the user from editing the form or selecting the submit button more than once. In either case, potential data issues could occur.

Now, users cannot interact in any way with the form while it is being saved and the "Form has been saved" message does not display until the user is redirected to back to the process view.



Updated Locking Rules of Collaborative Forms

Previously, users would periodically get locked out of collaborative forms. Now, collaborative forms that are not unlocked as part of the standard collaborative form workflows are automatically unlocked after being locked for 180 minutes (by default).

Clients needing to modify the lockout time can contact support.



Fixed Display of Characters in First Column of Grid Questions

Previously when the first column of a grid question type was configured using just a few characters, the first column would get compressed resulting in a poorly displayed grid.

Now, the grid question displays well regardless of the number of characters configured in the first column.

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