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Release - November 2020

Product Updates

Product AreaTypeSummaryRelease Note



Primary location field is mandatory

It is now mandatory that a user created in Perform has a primary location. This field is used across various PowerSchool product integrations. Making this field mandatory is necessary for data fidelity.



Evaluators can align notes to a rubric item when that item is not aligned to a form field

Evaluators can align notes to any rubric item, even if the rubric item has not been aligned to a form field. This feature makes it possible for districts who are not aligning rubric items to form fields to still align notes to their rubric.



Resolved ratings not being displayed on exported forms

Exported forms did not display the rating or the outline for the question type. These issues have been resolved.



Resolved issue of Support tab blocking access to form buttons

The Support tab was displayed on top of the Back and Update PDF Markup buttons on completed forms. The buttons were moved to the right side of the form, resolving the issue.

My Folder


Professional Learning Course Summary displays for incomplete forms

This enhancement is for districts using the Perform - Professional Learning integration. The Course Summary displaying the status of courses recommended or required as part of the evaluation process is now visible on Incomplete Tasks. This means a Direct Report can view their course summary from their Incomplete Tasks tab and a Supervisor can view the course summary from the Processes tab.

My Folder


Resolved issue of direct reports not being able to see tasks when not assigned a supervisor

Previously, when a direct report did not have a supervisor assigned, any tasks the direct report was responsible for did not display in My Folder > Incomplete Tasks. Now, tasks assigned to a direct report display, even when no supervisor has been assigned.

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