Release - January 2020
New Features
Product Area | Feature | Summary |
General | User Icon | At the top of the page, Welcome <User Name> was replaced with an icon of the user initials. The option to sign out now is located under this icon. Signout has been changed to Logout. |
Product Help | In-App User Help | A new help icon |
System Administration | Bulk Form Import | System Administrators can upload a variety of forms to the My Folder > Attachment space for many employees at one time. General functionality includes:
This feature was created for Districts migrating from other solutions, for easier upload of historical forms related to evaluations. Please call support if you wish to enable this tool. |
Product Updates
Product Area | Type | Summary | Release Note |
My Folder | Issue | Updated Behavior for Response to Meeting Request | Users selecting the link Respond to Meeting Request from a Direct Report Meeting Request email are directed to a page where they can Cancel, Accept, or Decline the meeting. Once an action is taken, now the user is directed to their My Folder > Tasks page where their accepted meetings are displayed. |
My Folder | Issue | Added Scheduled Date to Incomplete Tasks | Now, scheduled dates will display on the My Folder > Tasks page for tasks that have been scheduled. |
Forms | Issue | Updated Default Font for Rich Text Fields | Rich text form fields now display the standard Perform font as default. |
Forms | Issue | Expanded Form Preview Lists | Form preview now lists all process forms in the Form Preview tool, no longer truncating at 8 forms. A vertical scroll bar displays when the list of forms exceeds what is visible. |
Forms | Issue | Added Form Share Comments to Notification | Comments added while Form Sharing are included in the notification to the form recipient. Note that the Task Shared Notification found on Configuration > Staff Notification needs to include the tag: [[FormSharedComments]] for the comments to be included in the notification. |
Forms | Issue | Corrected Long Answer Word Wrap | On completed forms, word wrap in long answer form fields behaves as expected and does not truncate words. |
Forms | Issue | Corrected Display of Form Question Text | On completed forms, the text used in the question section of a form field now spans the entire form width and no longer condenses along the left side of the form field. |
Forms | Issue | Corrected Display of Comments and Paragraphs in Scaffold Fields | When a comment or paragraph box is used in scaffold form fields, they no longer display as selected (rated) when the form has been completed. This resolution does not apply to forms that have already been saved and submitted. Forms already saved and submitted would need to be unlocked and resubmitted for comment or paragraph fields to not display as selected. |
Forms | Issue | Fixed Display of Failed Notification Page | Now, when saving a notification (HR or Staff) where required fields fail, the resulting page alerts the user to which fields are not properly completed. |
Forms | Improvement | Updated Form Button Display | Now form buttons persist on-screen at the bottom of forms. Buttons can be selected regardless of where the user is within the form, eliminating the need to scroll. |
Forms | Issue | Fixed Cancel Action for Form Sharing | Now selecting Cancel when setting form sharing options cancels any changes made. |
Forms | Issue | Corrected Display of Failed Staff Page | When a user attempts to save the Staff page where there are validation failures, the resulting page now displays properly and alerts the user to which fields are not properly completed. |
Forms | Issue | Updated Location Display | When printing or viewing completed forms, now the location displayed is the Direct Report's location at the time of form completion, even if the Direct Report has since changed location. |
Evidence | Issue | Fixed Loading of Rubric Selector for Artifacts | For some districts, the rubric selector was not loading when attempting to associate an artifact. The contributing database security mismatch has been resolved for those districts. The rubric selector appears correctly. |
Rubrics | Improvement | Added Scroll Bar to Rubric Preview | Rubric preview now utilizes horizontal and vertical scroll bars so that the entire rubric can be viewed. |
Professional Learning Integration | Issue | Adjusted Display of Professional Learning Icon | The Manage Professional Learning icon now only displays for those Districts integrated with Professional Learning and only on those forms where "Enable option to recommend or require professional learning?" is selected. |
Analysis | Issue | Added Scroll Bar for Advanced Analysis | Results from using the Advanced function of Analysis were not accessible because there was no scroll bar. This has been fixed. |
System Administration | Issue | Fixed Error When Updating Location Fields | When updating Location drop-down sets, some Locations with the status of Inactive were creating an error when updated. This has been fixed. |
Reminder- Internet Explorer 11 End of Support
What is happening?
Microsoft recommends using Microsoft Edge as a default web browser for optimal performance and support. As a result, PowerSchool will officially end support for Internet Explorer 11 beginning January 1, 2020. As technology evolves, we strive to grow and adapt to the most up-to-date browsers with the latest security features in order to best serve our customers. For more information, please visit the following article by Microsoft: Lifecycle FAQ – Internet Explorer and Edge.
What is the impact?
After January 1, 2020, any product issues that arise specific to Internet Explorer 11 browsers only will not be addressed. While this does not mean PowerSchool products will stop working on Internet Explorer 11, over time, users may see an increased level of Internet Explorer-specific bugs are not addressed.
What should I do?
To minimize web browser-related disruption, PowerSchool strongly recommends using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox as your default web browser.