Configure Custom Forms
Start Form
- Choose Configuration from the main navigation.
- Click Custom Forms.
- Tabs will correspond to the different types of forms you can access in the system. Choose the applicable tab.
- To update an existing form, select Edit.
To create a new form, Clone an existing form or click New Form.
Define Form Settings
Update the form details, access privileges, and options.
Configure Form Fields
- If you are constructing a new form, click Start.
If your are editing an existing form, click Edit. - To add a form field, choose a question type from Add Question.
- Configure the form field, then click Save. Configuration options will depend on the question type.
- Add and configure form fields as needed.
- To save the form for completion later, select Save Draft.
Long Text Fields for Advanced Scripting
You can use advanced scripting to align evidence with rubrics if your form contains long text fields.
- Choose Long Answer as the question type.
- For Answer Formatting, choose Rich Text.
- Click Save.
- Click Align To Rubric.
Choose the desired rubric.
All text fields on a single form must be aligned to the same rubric.
- Select one or more domains and sub-domains.
- Click Align.
Next to the field name, an icon displays the number of alignments; click to view the list.
Complete Form
- To save the completed form, select Save Final.
- When you are ready to release the form for use, select Enabled on the form information page.