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Release - June 2023

Product Updates

Product Area



Release Note

DashboardImprovementNew Admin/Operator dashboards

SmartFind Express Admin/Operator home page has a new look and feel with new looking dashboards. They retain the same previous functionality from the earlier dashboards. The new dashboard look is available when the modern Admin layout has been enabled. Also, an addition to ‘Today’s jobs' section is the ability to click on Filled/Non-filled/NSR jobs, which would take the Admin to the job inquiry page with auto-applied filters to look at the job data making the numbers on the Today’s jobs on the dashboard. To enable the new look Admin dashboard, go to Parameters - Administrator - Browser Access section, and then check “Show new Admin dashboards”.

ReportsImprovementNew Fill Rate Report

SmartFind Express has a new fill rate report which would give fill rate data based on date range, location/classification selection and type: Absence/vacancy/No substitute required absences. For Admins and Operators having access to multiple locations, the Fill rates by individual locations would be displayed and this data can be exported to excel format. Also, the jobs would display based on the selection made and the job data would change, if Fill/Unfilled/NSR is selected on the first tile. The job data also can be exported to excel.

There is a new link in the Reports menu and the last link would be for the Fill rate report.

GeneralIssueIssue with substitute canceled tab

Issue has been resolved for the substitute cancelation tab that it would keep loading or take time to load.

ReportsImprovementExternal reason name on the job detail export

New parameter has been created in Parameters - Jobs - Job creation section - “Print external reason name on the job inquiry export from job inquiry page” as a sub-parameter for the feature of using external reasons . This is not selected by default. It prints the external reason name on the detailed job export view from Administrator - Job inquiry/report - Export - Detail Export.

Job ShoppingImprovementDeactivate ability for cancel/decline reasons

For districts using the feature of putting cancel/decline reasons for substitutes to choose the reason when cancel/decline jobs, there is an enhancement to deactivate certain reasons if those should not be used any more. The Inactivate option would be within the Reasons detail page.

GeneralIssueIssue of same job ID printed

Issue has been resolved where an employee having multiple schedules creates absences for both schedules in a single flow where two absences are created, but the first job ID was getting printed on both the absences.

ParametersImprovementNew job creation validations based on location/classification/reason

New parameter has been added to Parameters - Jobs - Job creation section - “Enable absence creation limiting feature for location/classification/reason” . When this parameter is checked, a new option “Job Creation Validation” displays as a menu within System Configuration. This page would help set validations for maximum daily absences which would be allowed for a location, classification, reason, or a combination of these.

ParametersIssueMinimum and maximum hours to report an absence

New feature has been added within Parameters - Job - Job creation with two new parameters “Minimum number of hours in a day that jobs can be reported” and “Maximum number of hours in a day that jobs can be reported” having blank value as default. If a value is entered for these parameters, it would create additional validation check during employee absence creation to check the number of hours reported in the absence on each day. If the minimum or maximum criteria is not met, based on the configuration done, the employee will receive an error on absence creation submission with appropriate error message.

ParametersImprovementNew feature for absence approval

New feature has been added to Parameters - Communication - Absence approval section - Absence approval reminder before 'x' days of job. This is not enabled by default. If number is entered for the number of days and a certain job is not approved till that date, a reminder email will be sent to the approving Admin.

Absence ApprovalImprovementCopy absence approval routing from one reason to another

To make it easier to set up absence approvals on reasons (in case there is change in absence approval routing and adoption of the recently released feature of Employee-based absence approving admins), a reason dropdown has been added to reasons needing approvals. The reasons in the dropdown already have approvals set, which can be copied on the current reason.

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