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Release - May 2023

Product Updates

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Release Note

DashboardImprovementNew Admin dashboards

SmartFind Express Admin/Operator home page has a new look and feel with new looking dashboards. They retain the same previous functionality from the earlier dashboards. The new dashboard look is available when the modern Admin layout has been enabled. Also, an addition to ‘Today’s jobs' section is the ability to click on Filled/Non-filled/NSR jobs, which would take the Admin to the job inquiry page with auto-applied filters to look at the job data making the numbers on the Today’s jobs on the dashboard. To go back to the previous view, the new look Admin dashboard can be disabled by navigating to Parameters - Administrator - Browser Access section, and then clearing “Show new Admin dashboards”

In a future release, the new Admin dashboard will support a ‘Quick employee search’ functionality where the logged in Admin can type the name of employee/substitute/admin they have access to and search results will be shown, from which they can directly go to the profile of the selected user. Also in the upcoming release, SmartFind Express will have a New Fill rate report which will give in-depth insights in fill-rates for the District and individual locations and it can be filtered based on job type (absence/vacancy), date range, locations, classifications and will also provide Admins/Operators having access to more than one school location, a location based fill rates to compare the filling on various locations.

ReportsIssueAdditional column on Job inquiry report

The feature released in SFE 23.4 release to print external reason name on the job inquiry report has been reverted and will be re-released in a future release, based on a parameter. Only when the parameter is switched On, the external reason name will be displayed on the job inquiry. We hope to have this re-added very soon.

Also, issue has been resolved where the job HH:MM column was printing blank for the employee time on the job inquiry report. This fix will be part of SFE 23.5 fix version.

ReportsImprovementText offer sent added to substitute detail report

Enhancement has been done to the texting feature by adding the information of the Text offer sent in the substitute detail report.

CommunicationsImprovementAlert on consecutive employee absences for the same reason

A new feature has been added on the reason configuration, “Alert when 'x' number of consecutive day absences taken by the employee for this reason”. When a value is configured for this parameter, if an employee happens to take more consecutive days absence for this reason, then alert threshold email will be sent to the location Admin or the approving Admin (if user based absence approvals feature is used).

Create/Edit JobImprovementNew feature on new employee web and mobile app, to display absences from configured date

A new parameter has been created in Parameters - Employee - Browser access section - “Display employee absences from” so that when the date is filled for this parameter, it will display all the active and previous employee absences till that date, to the employee when they login to the new employee web or the employee mobile app. Any absence prior to that date would not be displayed. This is an optional feature and can be used if the school district wants to show the employee their absences only for the current school year or only from previous school year.

System LogsImprovementBlock call setting activity captured in system activity log

Enhancement has been added to capture the substitute activity of setting parameter of blocked calls when they do it from the substitute mobile app.

Job ShoppingIssueIssue of substitute being able to accept overlapping job

Issue has been fixed and resolved for an event where substitute accepted two jobs having overlapping times from different sources (text and mobile app) in a short span. This would not be possible anymore based on the latest fix and is part of the SFE 23.5 release.

CommunicationsImprovementComma removed from Job number in text job confirmation message

Enhancement has been done to remove the comma (appearing at times after first three digits) in the Job number when printed on the text job confirmation message sent to the substituted. The job number is printed completely regardless of the digits of the job number on the text confirmation message.

LanguageImprovementFrench text improvements

Based on external/internal feedback, French text improvements were done on a few texts for districts using French language.

CommunicationsImprovementJob creation notice email mentioning attached document

Enhancement has been done the absence creation and assignment notice email so that it will mention if there is a document attached to the job so that it is easier for the substitute to be aware about the additional instructions.

Create/Edit JobImprovementDate range feature added to bulk job modification

Enhancement has been done to simplify bulk job modification for multiple dates to be done in a single flow by having a date range added on that screen, when the radio button is set to Location/Classification. The date range will search for all the jobs within that range but will still list it date-wise so multi-day jobs will still list date-wise. Also, the processing will happen per job for each date, based on the selection. This would be useful where there is a need to cancel jobs on multiple dates in bulk or making them NSR (no substitute required).

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