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Release - October 2023

Product Updates

Product Area



Release Note

Create/Edit JobImprovementChanging work schedules on employees

As a safety measure to avoid unintentional cancelation of jobs, the ability to auto-cancel employee’s future absences when that employee’s work schedule is changed has been removed. If there is a need to change the work schedule for an employee which can affect their future absences, it is recommended to manually cancel their future absence and re-create new one with the changed work schedule.

CommunicationsImprovementSubstitute specification email

New parameter has been added within Parameters - Communication - Sub Assignments section - “Specification Notice”, which is cleared by default. When selected, substitutes will receive emails if they are specified on any job.

ReportsImprovementJobs count on the new fill rate report

Minor enhancement has been done on the new fill rate report where the total count of jobs on the first fill status tile would show larger counts in decimal format including K sign, such as 1.1k for 1,100. This has been changed to show the actual full number.

CommunicationsImprovementJob end date added to certain emails

Job end date has been added to absence approval approval emails, where only the job start date was printed.

Absence ApprovalImprovementAbsence approval performance improvement

Based on reports of issues and slowness reported due to the absence approval routing when user based absence approval routing is enabled, there have been enhancements done to route the approvals correctly and improve performance.

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