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Release - January 2023

Product Updates

Product Area



Release Note

Absence ApprovalImprovementNew User-based absence approval routing

As a further improvement to the absence approval set up, a new feature has been added which would allow defining approving Admins for the users directly. This feature can be used independently or along with the existing, location based absence approvals (Admins having location access get the approval requests) and absence approval user groups (Admins configured as approvals for specific set of classifications and locations).

  1. New parameter within Parameters → Jobs → Job approval section → “Enable user based absence approval routing” . This parameter will be unchecked by default.

  2. When selected, a new tab ‘Absence approval’ will be displayed on the Admin profiles after the current existing Menu Access and Location Access tabs. In this menu, employees can be searched and added , so that the Admin can be configured as the approving Admin for the selected employees, for the approving level configured.

  3. There will be a third radio button on the Reason configuration page called ‘Profile level Admins’ to route the approval the Admins configured as approving as in the above mentioned step. For different levels (in case, there are multiple levels of approvals), different combination of Location / Profile based Admins/Absence approval user groups can be configured based on the District requirements.

  4. This feature will have future enhancements in future releases where new imports will be defined to make it easy to define Employees for the approving Admins or Approving Admins for employees.

Create/Edit JobImprovementNew parameter to retain substitute on Finished job after splitting and removing substitute on active job

A new parameter has been added within Parameters → Jobs → Job Creation section → “Do not remove substitute from Finished jobs when splitting the job and removing substitute (Substitute will be removed only from the active part of the job)” , which is unchecked by default. When this parameter is checked, this would retain the substitute on the finished part of the job when that job gets split and the substitute is removed from the job. The substitute will be removed only from the active part of the job in this case.

ProfilesIssueCTRL+P did not display or print the entire Profile page on one page

Issue has been resolved for the improved Admin layout view, where CTRL+P did not display or print the entire Profile page on one page.

Create/Edit JobImprovementNSR status in the absence details on the new employee web

Enhancement has been done to print the NSR status (In-house, NSR day, Filled in-house, and so forth) within the absence details in the Substitute section on the details view of the absence on the new employee web.

Create/Edit JobIssueIssue of canceled jobs on new substitute web

Issues have been resolved for some canceled jobs not appearing within the canceled jobs tab or 4 dots loading when substitute tried to acknowledge the canceled jobs on the new substitute web.

ProfilesIssueIssue when adding level on classification

Issue has been resolved where previously an error would happen while setting level to 1 to a classification on the allowed classifications list for substitute.

CommunicationsImprovementEnhancement to the substitute assignment notice email

Minor improvements are done to the substitute assignment notice email where it will print the number of days of the assignment along with the weekly schedule and the date range applicable for the weekly schedule, to make it easier than before for substitute to understand the assignment days.

Create/Edit JobIssueNSR min job days absence on the new employee web

Resolved an issue to make the NSR minimum job days feature work when absences are created on the new employee web. When the conditions are properly met for NSR minimum job days while creating an absence, it will be created as NSR job properly.

Create/Edit JobIssueIssue with multi-day jobs not showing correctly

Issue has been resolved on the new employee web where some multi-day jobs would not be shown on the list of absences when 1 or few days of that multi-day absence would be canceled. This has been fixed and the multi-day absence would be visible for the employee for the non-canceled days.

ReportsImprovement'Include Substitutes on Do Not Use List' unchecked by default

Enhancement has been done to have the parameter “Include Substitutes on Do Not Use Listas unchecked on the substitute profile inquiry page.

Mobile AppImprovementAbsence reason codes in numeric order on the mobile app

Enhancement has been done to arrange the absence reason codes in numeric order on the employee mobile app, when the parameter ‘Display Reasons by Code’ is checked.

LanguageImprovementMinor French text updates

For districts using French, minor updates on the French texts have been made based on the feedback received. Further text improvements would be done based on feedback, if any.

ReasonsIssueIssue of creating same-day absences without reason balance

Resolved the issue where employees could create same day absences for a reason even without any reason balance and the reason was restricted to allocation.

ReportsIssueFixed Printing Error on Substitute Label Reports

Fixed the issue where the substitute label report in Microsoft Word format (Avery 5160) was not printing correctly.

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