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Create an Absence

Web App

  1. Choose Create an Absence from the main menu.
  2. Determine whether a substitute is required, then click Continue.
  3. Complete the absence creation form.
    • If enabled for your district, you will have an option for Location Type.
      • Non-Remote indicates that the substitute will teach only in-person.
      • Partly Remote indicates that the substitute will teach both in-person and over video conference.
      • Remote indicates that the substitute will teach only over video conference.
    • Select the days of the absence on the Weekly Schedule.
      • For the definitions of Morning Half Day and Afternoon Half Day, contact the school administrator.
      • Select Custom to:
        • Set different times for each day of your absence.
        • Create an absence that only needs a substitute for part of the absence.
    • Specify a Substitute? allows you to determine the substitute you prefer using their access ID or name. If the substitute has not already accepted the job, we will call them first. If they have, we will not send the job to call out.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Review and confirm the absence details, then click Create Absence.

Employee Experience Interface - Web and Mobile Apps

  1. Click Create Absence. For the mobile app, click the plus button on the Absences tab.

    The Absences page/tab is the home page. If you are using another feature in the software, choose Absences to navigate to this page.

  2. Choose an Absence Reason and, if needed, enter an Approval Comment.
  3. Complete one of the following for Repeats:
    • Select Does Not Repeat to create a one-time absence request. Select the days on the calendar for the absence.
    • Select options for daily, weekly, or monthly to create a recurring absence request. Complete the fields as necessary to define the absence days for the recurring absence.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Choose a Schedule option.

    Choose Advanced Absence if your absence has different requirements for each day of the absence. For example, if you want to create a request for three days where only one day is a half-day, choose this option to specify your absence schedule for each day. Use this option rather than entering multiple absence requests.

  6. Select No Sub Required or Remote if applicable.
  7. For the Substitute, choose:
    • Best Match to have the system find the substitute.
    • Specify to enter a Selected Substitute.
  8. Enter any Class Instructions, if desired. Click Browse... to attach a file.
  9. Click Submit.


  1. Select 1 from the main menu.
  2. If you have multiple locations and classifications in your profile, select one from the list.

    If you have multiple schedules for the same classification, you may not be able to create your absence using the phone. Create the absence using the web app.

  3. Select the absence start and end dates.
  4. Select the absence start and end times. The default times for the absence location will play. Accept the default, or enter specific times using HHMM format. For a multiple-day absence, each day’s times must be confirmed. The absence times are also used for the substitute times.
  5. Select a reason for the absence and press the star key. A list of reasons is played, but you can enter the reason at any time.
  6. Record special instructions for the substitute. The substitute will know the dates, times, location, classification of the absence, and your name.
  7. Choose whether a substitute is required for the absence.
  8. If a substitute is needed, you may request or prearrange a substitute.
    1. Requesting a substitute means that only the specified substitute is called for that job until one of the following occurs:
      • A set time designated to release the job to other substitutes.
      • The specified substitute declines the job.
      • The specified substitute becomes unavailable for the dates and times of the job.
    2. An absence is considered prearranged if you have talked with a substitute. Prearranged substitutes are not called by the system. They must access the system to obtain the job number.
  9. Remain on the line until you receive the job number.
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