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Release - June 2023

Product Updates 

Product Area 



Release Note

Custom Reports


Resolved Duplicate Rows for Employees with Multiple Job Types

Previously, if an employee had multiple job types, the number of rows returned would duplicate, even if the job type was not included in the report. This has been corrected, and if printing form information, the number of job types an employee has does not affect the output.



Resolved Basic Forms Printing Issue

If a basic form was converted into a mixed form using the new PDF Form Builder and it shared the same folder/sleeve location as that basic form, only the workflow would display when printing the basic forms. This has been resolved and printing will now work for basic forms converted to mixed forms.



Resolved Force-Completed Checklist Issue

In some cases, if a document was incomplete and its associated checklist was force-completed, it was still possible to review and save this incomplete document, which could result in blanking out employee names. Now, it is not possible to save these documents once they are force-completed, preventing this from happening.



Resolved Force-Completed Forms Issue

Previously, forms that were closed from a force-complete were still editable. This no longer occurs.



Resolved Issue with Newly Added Library Resources

When a basic eForm included a newly added library resource, employees were not able to open it. This has been resolved and these library resource links can now be opened.



Resolved File Name Display Issue

Previously, when a file was uploaded directly into a sleeve, it sometimes did not display the name of the file when “history” was selected from the actions. This has been resolved, and the correct file names now display.

My Tasks


Resolved Resource Tasks Issue

Previously, when a Resource Task was completed, it was not being removed from My Tasks without refreshing the page. This no longer occurs and the task will be removed once completed.

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