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Release – December 2022

Product Updates 

Product Area 



Release Note

Available Forms


Resolved I-9 Date Selector Issue

On the I-9, when selecting “N/A” on the date selector, the system displayed an error, although a value was selected. This error no longer displays, and “N/A” can still be selected from the date selector in cases where expiration dates are not applicable.



Resolved Checklist Completion Report Issue

If a document was part of a checklist and was archived before it was completed, it was not possible to “complete” the checklist by ignoring the task. This made the document appear incomplete when it was archived. Now, if a document is archived within a checklist, it will be noted and possible to “ignore” the task in order to “complete” the checklist.

Configuration > Staff


Resolved Bank Deposit Details Form Issue

The Bank Deposit Details form that sends information to eFinance Plus prevented employees from submitting if the employee email address was listed in the employee ID field, which was too short. The length of the field has been increased to accommodate this functionality.

Contracts & Letters


Resolved Column Export Issue

When viewing exported column information, data from one column would sometimes appear in another. This generally happened if multiple bulk imports were done with columns in different locations. This no longer occurs, and columns will now export consistently. Note: this had no impact on the generation of the contract itself.

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