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Release - July 2022

Product Updates 

Product Area 



Release Note

Begin HireImprovementResolved Begin Hire IssueIn some cases, if a long address or city name was entered on the Begin Hire page, the account was not being created correctly. This has been resolved.

Field Mapping


Resolved Field Mapping Issue

When adding an emergency contact's phone number in Applicant Tracking, the value was copied to the cell phone field in Employee Records when the applicant was hired. This has been resolved.



Improved Accessibility on I-9 Form

It is now easier to tab through fields on the I-9 form. Additionally, it is no longer required to use the date picker to enter a date on the form. Dates can now be entered manually.

GroupsIssueOptimized Group Assignment

For very large districts, the application issued an error when adding users to a group. This no longer occurs and users can now be added.

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