Release - April 2021
Product Updates
Product Area | Type | Summary | Release Note |
Application | Improvement | Improved table display | Tables now include lines to mark rows and headers more clearly. |
Application | Improvement | Minor menu changes | Some menu icons were updated to identify their function more clearly. Changes include a new Filing icon (previously the same as the Files icon), a new Reports icon, and the renaming of the Contracts icon to “Contracts and Letters.” |
Application | Improvement | Updated supported browser information | PowerSchool officially ended support for Internet Explorer on January 1, 2020. The login pages were updated to properly communicate supported browser versions, i.e., the two most recent versions of Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. |
Checklists | Improvement | Restyled Checklists page | The Checklists configuration page was updated to the new Records UI, including new tile and button formats, as well as new search functionality to locate existing checklists. |
Contracts | Issue | Fixed error on contracts with future date | If a contract was sent at a future date and “Edit” was selected to add additional employees to the contract, the system would issue the error, "Must specify valid information for parsing in the string," and the contract would not be editable. Now, the error no longer occurs, and the contract is editable. |
Contracts | Issue | Contracts dashboard showed inaccurate results | The recipient count and the number of contracts signed did not always match between the Contracts dashboard page and the Contracts report, due to the Contracts dashboard including inactive users that were excluded from the report. Inactive users are now omitted from the Dashboard counts. The Completed count is the sum of contracts with a status of Completed. The Recipient count is the sum of contracts with a status of Completed or Sent. Contracts with a status of Declined, Retracted, or Archived are considered inactive and not considered “Sent.” |
Documents | Improvement | Styling changes to Documents configuration page | The Documents configuration page was updated to reflect the new Records UI. The toggle to switch between List or Tile view was replaced by a tabbed structure, with the default focus on the List tab to show more document information. A sticky search appears on both the List and Tiles tabs. Note that searches on tiles are limited to document names. For example, a search for a workflow name will not return results on the Tiles tab. |
Documents | Improvement | Document attachment button restyled | When filling in a document with attachments, it was sometimes difficult to know how to upload a file so it could be attached to that document. Buttons were restyled to more clearly indicate where employees can attach documents. |
Forms | Issue | Missing Delete button on form attachments | Depending on the file type being uploaded, the Delete button on file attachments was not available. The Delete button is now available during the initial entry of the form fields or when a workflow step is considered editable. |
Forms | Issue | Inconsistent time zones on submitted forms | Submitted forms viewed on the Files page sometimes displayed the submitted date in the wrong time zone. Both the Files page and workflow steps now show timestamps in the time zone configured in Client Preferences. |
Locations | Issue | Location code must be unique | When a user creates a new location, the system now checks that the location code value is unique and does not already exist for the client. When an existing location with a duplicate location code is updated, the update fails, and the user is prompted to provide a unique location code. This new functionality does not impact Sync1/Sync2/Sync9 workflows. Existing duplicate location codes are not impacted unless a record update is performed. |
My Tasks | Issue | Unable to load DOCX library resource | When a user attempted to view an MS Word (.docx) document from My Tasks, a “Loading” message displayed, and the document failed to load. These documents now load correctly in the page viewer. |
Reports | Issue | Fixed I-9 Custom Report form elements | When adding I-9 form elements to a custom report, Section 2 List B Document Title was listed twice, while Section 2 List C Document Title was missing. Both form fields are now listed correctly. |
Reports | Issue | Scrolling issue with report results | When scrolling down to view additional results in Custom or Available Forms reports, the scrollbar suddenly moved to the bottom of the search results. This has been corrected and scrolling now works as expected. |