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Release - March 2021

Product Updates

Product AreaTypeSummaryRelease Note



Document viewer did not support various file extensions

The application document viewer did not support files with extensions DOCX, DOC, TXT, XLS, and TIF and required you to download the files to view. These file types are now supported and can be viewed within the document viewer from the My Tasks and Files areas.



Users could mark tasks complete via checklist pop-up

Previously, it was possible to click the checklist tile in a user’s Files area and mark tasks associated with documents as “done” without completing the document. Now documents must be completed before they are considered done.



Export recipient records from Contracts Preview page

An Export button was added to the Contracts Preview page. Export Settings defined under Configuration are used to determine the export file’s header row, data delimiter, and date format. All other data fields are exported in the format in which they appear on the Contracts Preview page.



New fields on Contracts Preview page

Date Sent and Date Completed columns were added to the Contracts Preview page. The Date Sent appears for an imported row after the “Send/Resend” button is clicked. After an employee signs the contract, the Date Completed appears. These are the same Date Completed and Date Sent dates that appear on the Contract Completion report.

No workflows were changed with the addition of these columns.

Deleting a row from the import page does NOT delete the actual contract for an employee once sent.



Redesigned Contracts Reports page

The Contracts Reports page was updated as follows:

  1. The Filters section was redesigned to conserve page space.
  2. The Export button was moved to the top of the page.
  3. Action buttons were renamed to identify their purpose more clearly.



Bulleted list did not display on contracts

Previously, if a bulleted list appeared in a contract template, the formatted text did not display the bullets when the contract was generated for employees. This has been corrected.



Fixed excessive spacing on contracts

When generating contracts for users, additional space appeared between text paragraphs and lists. The double spacing was removed, and proper spacing is now in place.



Resolved display issue for contracts with numerous fields

Contracts that contained many fields would not always display correctly on the Contracts Preview page unless the browser cache was cleared. Now a scrollbar appears to view additional fields.



Fixed long list value display issue

If an E-form had a drop-down list with a long value, users could still select that value, but when the form went through the workflow, the value was cut off. Now the display shows the complete value.



Increased demographic phone number display size

When using dashes or parentheses for phone numbers on an E-form, the full phone number was not always visible when viewing the form. The size of the text area was increased to accommodate this.

My Tasks


Fixed Submitted date issue for prior tasks

When a checklist document was resubmitted, the Submitted date on the My Tasks page for prior tasks using the same form was updated with the new completion date. Now the Submitted date is updated only for the task that was completed last.

My Tasks


Fixed task order

The order in which tasks appeared on the My Tasks page did not follow the proper rules. Tasks now display in the following order: available forms, forms in workflow, and checklist tasks in task order.

My Tasks


Most recently completed tasks did not always appear

In some cases, as an employee would complete a task, it did not appear under the Completed tab of the My Tasks page. This has been corrected.



Enhanced Drag and Drop functionality

Documents can now be dropped into empty sleeves in two ways:

  1. Select and drag a loose document and drop it into a highlighted sleeve.
  2. Drag a file from your computer and drop it into a sleeve.

If a sleeve already has a document, you have the option to archive it before adding the new one.

New Hire


Improved New Hire documentation in Records

When the Begin Hire process is completed within Applicant Tracking and the subsequent documentation is sent to Records, the documentation is now a snapshot of the initial hire process.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.