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Release - February 2021

Product Updates

Product AreaTypeSummaryRelease Note



Fixed document status issue on reassigned checklists

When a checklist was reassigned to an employee, any previous document status from the old checklist would appear in the new checklist’s task. Now, the document status is more closely associated with the checklist task. Note that, if a checklist requires a document to be filled out, and that document already exists for the employee, it is automatically archived so the employee can fill out the new document.



Fixed bulk print from File List

Bulk print did not work when files were selected using the Select All feature. This has been corrected.



Fixed sleeve preview

When configuring a folder’s sleeve, the preview of the sleeve icon was distorted and did not show the sleeve color. This has been corrected.



Updated Supervisor list in employee header

The Supervisor list in the employee header included supervisors that were deactivated in the system. Now, the list displays only supervisors who are active in the system.



Corrected form dates

Forms submitted in the afternoon displayed as submitted in the morning. Now, the correct AM/PM designation displays.



Updated dialog box behavior

In some areas of the software, when the user clicked the Save button, a confirmation dialog box was displayed with a Close button. The user was forced to click the button to dismiss the dialog box before they could continue. Now, the informational message automatically disappears, so users do not have to click to close it.



Fixed Checklist Completion report display issue

The employee’s first name, last name, and location were truncated on the Checklist Completion report when viewed on smaller screens or when the checklist had many tasks. Now, larger portions of the name and location are displayed, regardless of the number of tasks or screen size. If a name still does not fit, hover the pointer over the truncated entry to see the entire name.

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