Release - October 2021
Product Updates
Product Area | Type | Summary | Release Note |
Electronic Signature Statement | Improvement | Updated Electronic Signature Statement | The Electronic Signature Statement, which previously applied exclusively to customers in the United States, has been updated to also apply to customers in Canada. |
Email Notifications | Improvement | Limited Email Notifications During Conditional Workflows | Multiple sub-workflows within a conditional workflow step sometimes issued multiple emails as each sub-workflow was completed. A single email will now be issued. |
Uploading Files | Improvement | Added Error Message when Uploading .HEIC Files | Photos attached from iOS with an .HEIC extension are often converted to a .JPEG extension before they are uploaded, as Windows can not read this file type. For example, files from iPhones and iPads that are uploaded as pictures are first converted. In the cases where the files are not converted, such as a direct upload from files, an error message will inform the user that Records does not support this file type. It will be necessary to first convert the files to .JPEG before uploading. |