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Release - September 2020

Product Updates

Product Area



Release Note

My Tasks


Corrected Mark as Done Actions for My Tasks Page

When clicking Mark as Done on the My Tasks page, the checkbox was selected, but it was not moved to Completed. This was resolved.



Enabled Previous Step Option After Unlocking a Document

When a document is completed, and Unlock is clicked, now there is an option to either restart the document or navigate to the last step in the workflow.



Corrected Display of Drop-Down Values for Print as PDF

If a document included a drop-down value, and that value was changed in Configure > Dropdown Lists after the document was completed, the Print as PDF option displayed the new value, not the original value.

Now when printing, both the form view and the print value display the value as it existed when the document was completed.



Resolved Behavior when Changing a Document's Attachment Information

If the name of an attachment changed, printing a document before that change occurred would cause the more recent version of the document's attachment prompts.

Now when printing documents, it uses the version of the document that the user completed, not the latest version.



Fixed File Button for Scanned Stacks

When scanning information, if the user went to the Stacks page and clicked File, nothing happened. Now clicking that button enables documents to be filed correctly.



Corrected Document Deletion from My Tasks

Blank documents that are in process display on a user's My Tasks page, along with the option to delete the document. Clicking that delete option displayed an error. Now the document will delete successfully.



Corrected Preview of Multi-Page Scanned Documents

After scanning multi-page documents, Preview only displayed the first page of the document when Previous and Next links were clicked.

All pages now display when the Previous and Next buttons are clicked.



Corrected Footer when Printing Old I-9s

Older versions of the I-9 were not displaying the proper footer information when printing. The correct footer now displays.



Fixed View/Hide Document Link in eForms

On eForms that allowed attachments, the View/Hide Documents link did not expand the document into the viewer.

This was corrected so that the viewer now displays the document.



Resolved Error Message When Unlocking a Form

If a document is configured to require a comment for revision, and the user clicked Unlock, they would receive the error "The current form was saved but is missing fields, please fill them in to complete this section."

Now, the user is prompted to navigate to the previous step or restart the document.



Corrected Formatting for Older W-4s

In some cases, when previewing an older W-4, or clicking Print as PDF, the format of the form was missing or incorrect.

Now when previewing or printing older W-4s, the format is correct.



Corrected Display of Tenure Level on Custom Reports

Previously, if Tenure Level was included on a custom report, the codes, not the export text, displayed. This was corrected to display the export text.



Fixed Filters for Custom Reports

When using the filter criteria on a custom report, it was not changing the rows of the report. This was fixed.



Removed Deleted Documents from Custom Reports

Previously, permanently deleted documents appeared on custom reports. These documents no longer appear.



Fixed Green Checkbox on Checklist Completion Report

If the green checkmark was selected, the Checklist Completion report did not show any additional information.

Now, additional information, such as when the task was completed, displays.



Corrected Empty Password Display

On some accounts, password information displayed as empty, forcing a system admin to change a password for a user when they wanted to update a different field.

It is now possible to update other fields on the Staff demographics page without having to worry about updating a blank password.

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