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Release - July 2020

Product Updates

Product Area



Release Note



Enabled the send of multiple contracts to the same user after initial contract send

When separate contracts need to be issued for the same staff member, it was necessary to issue the contracts on the initial import file load. Once sent, you could not issue another contract to the same person.

Now, it is possible to send multiple contracts to the same person. This allows for greater flexibility of contract generation based on your district's timing issues.



Resolved contract send failures

If an employee ID is based in part on name, and that name contained an apostrophe, clicking Send on a contract would put the contract in a queued status and eventually fail. These contracts will now successfully send.



Improved alignment when printing eForm tables

When choosing Print As PDF, eForms featuring table-type questions often appeared misaligned. Alignment on this question type has been left-justified to improve the alignment when printing.



Corrected behavior of selecting Previous Step in a workflow

When a revision is requested on an eForm document, and the option to go back to previous step is selected, the document would start back at the beginning of the workflow.

This no longer occurs, and the workflow will correctly go to the previous step of the main workflow.



Fixed display of submitted information upon sending a document back in the workflow

If a user sent a document back a step in the workflow, the submitted by and submitted date would sometimes be updated to that user.

Now, when submitting a document, the information shall remain consistent with the submitter information, regardless of who sends in back in workflow.

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