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Release - April 2020

This release focused on improving the scalability and reliability of Contracts in Employee Records.

This includes the following product updates.

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Added Contract Name to Preview Page

Previously, when navigating to the Contracts Preview Page, it was necessary to remember the name of the contract you selected. Now, the name of the contract appears on the page to help ensure you're working in the right place.



Updated Display of Actions in Contracts Report

Action buttons in the Contracts Report now are displayed or hidden based on the individual status of the contract.

  • The Remind button will be applicable to contracts with a Sent status.
  • The Retract button will be applicable to contracts with a status of Archived, Completed, Declined, or Sent.



Added Ability to Configure Contract Decline

When editing or creating a contract, a new field - Allow Users to Decline Contract - enables the configuration of whether users can decline a contract they have been issued.



Added Display of Comments for Retracted or Declined Contract

On the Contracts Preview page, if the status for a contract is Declined or Retracted, a comments button now appears. When clicked, user comments for that contract display.



Added Column to Contracts Preview Page

A new column - Status - has been added to the Contracts Preview page.



Added Link to Contracts Preview Page from Contracts Report

Now an Edit button appears on the Contracts Report when showing for an individual contract. When clicked, the page navigates to the Preview page for easy editing.



Added Column Sorting to Contracts Preview Page

Previously, once contract information was imported, it was necessary to scroll the page in order to find specific information. In order to make that search easier, this page now features column sorting.



Added Error Status to Contracts Dashboard

A new status - Error - will appear on the Contracts Dashboard if the system detected one of the following errors in the import.

  • If one or more rows of the import are flagged as Account Not Found (meaning the system could not match on the employee ID and name of the staff member)
  • If there was a system failure and rows on the import were marked as Send Failed



Enhanced Contracts Dashboard

Additional features have been added to the Contracts Dashboard to better help you manage your data.

  • Sorting in column headers allows you to sort contracts the way that works best for you. By default, contracts will display starting with the most-recently-edited.
  • Using a search window in the upper-right corner of the page helps you find your contract faster.
  • Limiting the number of entries per page with pagination improves load times and allows you to focus on the set of contracts that interest you.



Enhanced User Verification for Contracts Importing

Previously, it was difficult to know if user accounts were valid when importing data into Contracts. Now when importing, a new status - Account Not Found - will alert you when:

  • No employee ID is found in the application.
  • The employee ID doesn't match the name of the user in the application.
    Contracts will not be sent for accounts not found in the system.



Added Detailed Status to Contracts Report

The Completed column on the Contracts Report has been replaced with a more detailed Status column, which will immediately inform not only if a contract has been completed, but also if it has been archived, retracted, declined, or remains open.



Corrected Display of Reminder Button and Checkboxes

Previously, the remind button displayed for all contracts, making it possible to send a contract to an employee who had already signed it. Now, the remind button only displays for contracts that have been neither signed nor declined.

Likewise, the checkbox only displays where the remind button does, for easy mass reminders.



Enhanced SSN Security

Security for Social Security Number has been enhanced so that casual observation is limited on the W-4. Viewing the W-4 for an employee now displays only the last 4 digits of the Social Security Number.

Note that printing the W-4 will display the Social Security Number in its entirety.

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