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Release - November 2020

Product Updates

Product AreaTypeSummaryRelease Note



Enabled saving setting to change password at next login for districts using LDAP

Customers using LDAP were unable to clear the "User must change password at next login" checkbox and save the setting. The setting now saves when changed.



Resolved IntelliGlance checklist error

For customers who use IntelliGlance, when issuing a checklist for a new hire, it generated a "" error. This no longer occurs, and a checklist can now be selected.



Fixed contract pagination

The Contracts Report page did not properly navigate to the next page of contracts when paging through the list. This has been corrected to properly navigate and display the next set of records.



Fixed error when viewing large, uploaded documents

When viewing large documents, the application would sometimes issue the error "unable to convert document: xxxx.xxxx". This was more common when viewing large documents. This error no longer occurs, but we recommend viewing files under 200 MB.



Resolved error when viewing files created with Adobe Sign

Previously, when viewing an uploaded document created via Adobe Sign, the system would generate the error, "Unable to convert" and it was necessary to download the document to view it. These files can now be viewed in the application by clicking the "View/Hide Document" link.



Corrected color display of scanned documents

Scanned documents did not always display correctly in the browser; items in certain colors did not display. This has been corrected, and the scanned documents now display correctly.



Fixed display issue with uploaded files

The display of some uploaded files in the application's PDF viewer showed grey bars or other distorted information. These files had to be downloaded in order to be viewed properly. These files now display correctly when viewed from the PDF viewer.



Corrected validation of non-required date fields on custom forms

On custom forms, if a date was not required, it was not always validating formats correctly. Non-required dates are now validated in the same way as required dates when entered.



Fixed saving initial form comments

When the initiator of a form entered a comment and submitted it, the comment could not be viewed. Now, these comments appear for viewing.



Corrected workflow for unlocked forms

If a document was completed and later unlocked, it sometimes continued to show as Completed. Now when unlocking the form, the workflow steps are listed correctly.



Fixed issue of Section 2 of I-9 not being editable on second workflow pass

If "Request Revision" was selected in the I-9 conditional workflow step, the next time the workflow passed through that step, Section 2 of the form was no longer editable. This has been corrected and Section 2 is now accessible.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.